
Suzy Balderston   Aug 29, 2019

Swimmer of The Month


Congratulations Macen on being our swimmer of the month for September! When Macen first started his swimming experience with us, he was hesitant to get into the water on his own. He then started to learn how to gain trust and confidence in the water, his instructor, and himself. Once he was able to overcome his fear of the water he eagerly wanted to start learning stroke level skills. As of now he is able to do freestyle and backstroke the length of the pool and is on his way to do the same with butterfly. You've come a long way buddy, great job!! 

What stroke level are you on? Starting butterfly

What is your favorite stroke? Backstroke! (He said with a giant smile!)

How Long have you been swimming? Swimming at Justin's since June

What is your favorite thing to do at free time? Practice swim

&What is your favorite after swim snack? Chocolatttttte Mmmmm

Thank you Macen for trying your best! One day you will be getting first place ribbons on a swim team
